September 2014 Offline

On Saturday 20 September, We had monthly offline meeting with the topic “Machine-learning and Data-mining in Big Data”. This was the first time that the internship students played the role of speakers. We were so glad when internship students had a good chance to share. There were about 20 participants. We started with fun greeting game.

Hình 1. Thời gian giới thiệu về bản thân của các bạn tham dự.

Figure 1. Greetings

A big question when we do with big data that is How to gets data? Thus, before going to main topic, Nam Tran shared with us about crawling techniques. This is first step helping you can get data show on website and it helps you having raw data then practice analysis this data.


Figure 2: Nam Tran shared crawling.

After Nam, when we got raw data, Duyen Do shared with us how to work with Data Preparation that is important processing of Data Mining.


Figure 3. Duyen Do shared about Data Preparation techniques

Next, Duong Thau Nguyen shared about Mahout that is library of scalable machine-learning algorithms, implemented on top of Apache Hadoop and using the MapReduce paradigm. A partner with Thau that is Trong Lu who had a demo helping us understanding how to Mahout does in Recommendation and Classification algorithm.


Figure 4. Duong Thau introduced about Mahout

Lastly, we were happy to congratulate 5 interns who completed 100 hours in this month includes Cong Pham, Ngu Nguyen, Tai Vu, Loc Nguyen, Uyen Nguyen.

Figure 5: Awards

To close the offline, Hoang Le answers many questions relative to how to using Data mining and Machine learning in large companies.

Figure 6. Hoang Le answers some questions

We took a picture together!

Figure 7. Pic together

With many thank to our participants, we are very excited about our next offline and hope to see you there again.

Contanalytics team.

About keziahdo

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
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